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 Higher Dimensional It\^o Calculus in the Noncommutative Sphere Using Homotopy Deformation

صنف المادة المكتوبة مقالة
​​​​​​​​The homotopy deformation of a differential graded algebra (DGA), which classically gives It\^o calculus, can be applied 
to noncommutative calculus. As a specific example of the deformation, we use the standard Podle\'s noncommutative sphere and its differential calculus. We then study the resulting operator on the noncommutative sphere, and its Hodge theory giving the eigenvalues and eigenforms on noncommutative sphere​​
الكاتب Ghaliah Alhamzi, Edwin Beggs and Andrew Neate
تاريخ الإصدار 09/04/1437
المصدر كلية العلوم
الجهات الناشرة GSTF